‘The Australian Timebomb’- Professor Tom Barker

This weeks lecture was entertaining and provided many true and valuable points. Despite this, I found it hard to ascertain what Tom Barker wanted us to take away from his talk. He spoke of an array of topics related to the Australian design industry, among other things, and mentioned the significance of cheaper manufacturing overseas a number of times. I was unsure as to whether he was saying this was a good thing or a terrible thing, as we’ve been taught in other subjects and lecturers. My understanding of booming manufacturing in Asia is that eventually, companies will stop sourcing designers from Australia and train their own local designers who can do a job just as well. From this we’ve always been taught that this makes it fundamental that as Australian designers we stay ahead of the game, constantly changing and always standing out from the crowd. Perhaps it was this message that Tom Barker was trying to get across to us in what seemed to me a round-about kind of way.

Tom Barker discussed Dinosaur Designs as being a company of successful Australian designers but stated that there were very few like them. He suggested that in a modern economic climate and with issues such as sustainable design such a significant issue, a new way of business needs to be adopted. The use of the internet, online stores and websites such as Core77 to promote design work was recommended.

“The core (skill) belief of designers is curiosity.” Barker stated that curiosity is fundamental to the design profession and to continually staying ahead of the game, innovating and being individual. Some other points he made was the importance of working as a group and the necessity for the Australian government to provide funds and support for the creative industries.

In hindsight, Professor Tom Barker’s lecture “The Australian Timebomb” was a combination of all the things we’ve been taught about working in the Australian design industry, the nightmares and the challenges that our generation of graduates will need to overcome.

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